Friday, April 9, 2021

Ramapo Dunderberg and Appalachian Trail to Brien Memorial Shelter

Date Distance Time Elevation Gain Average Moving Time Year to Date Miles
4/9/2021 9.5 miles 5 hours 25 minutes 1,232' 1.8 mph 82.2

Map: NYNJTC Harriman-Bear Mountain Northern - Trail Map 119
Parking: Tiorati Circle

Directions: From the parking area (near the dumpster) take the blue blazed Tiorati trail uphill. Turn right on the AT/Ramapo Dunderberg trail. Where the AT and RD split, stay on the RD trail. The AT will rejoin the RD again later. Reach the Brien Memorial shelter. Continue on the AT/RD trail, climbing up a stone stepped hill to the right of the shelter. We turned around shortly before reaching Black Mountain. Our intent was to return the same way, but at the split of the AT and RD, we missed our turn and landed up on the AT. In order to shorten our trip, when the AT reached Seven Lakes Drive, we turned left and did a road walk. When the RD crossed Seven Lakes Drive, we got off and took the RD west. We turned left on the AT/RD, and then left onto the Lake Tiorati trail back to the parking area.

We got a late start, and I didn't re-check the mileage of our intended hike. We intended to stop near the shelter for an early dinner break, but it was very buggy, so Glen wanted to continue on and find a less buggy spot. Well, it stayed buggy. I need to remember to add some bug spray to my backpack. I've also been trying to work on sketching when we stop for a break, but no sketching today. We thought Black Mountain would be a good turnaround point, but decided to turn around before it, as it was getting to be more mileage than I was planning. Then on the way back, somehow we missed a turn. I spend a lot of time looking at the ground, so that could be why. We walked along Seven Lake Drive for a ways. Luckily there weren't many cars on it, so it wasn't a bad road walk. I was dragging by the end of the hike. Nice day, not very many people on the trail, and no tents near the shelter. We did see 3 backpackers out on the trails though.

Our friend Daniela, over at Gone Hikin', collects mylar balloons that she finds on trails. She builds a large collection by year end. Today we saw 2, so Glen bushwhacked over to them to remove them. 

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