Sunday, December 14, 2014

Lookout Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona

December 14, 2014

Miles: 2.8
Elevation gain: 995 feet
Time: 1 hour 35 minutes

Year to date miles:  463.6

Parking: 15800 North 16th Street
Room for around 20 cars.
It looks like the entrance is gated shut at some point. The exit has tire spikes if you go over them the wrong way!

Pre hike lunch: Chipotle
Post hike dinner: Whole Foods, Sedona

Hike directions:
From the parking lot, head to the kiosk on the right.
Follow the circumference trail for 0.1 miles.
At post continue straight on the Summit Trail (Circumference Trail goes to the right).
Keep heading up the steep trail to the post at summit.
Retrace path to intersection of Summit Trail and Circumference Trail.
Turn left on the Circumference Trail.
Follow the trail in a counter clockwise loop around the mountain.
The loop ends at the parking lot.

Notes: We flew into Phoenix today and wanted to get a short hike in after so much time traveling. This hike fit the bill perfectly. It is a short drive from the airport, to the north of the city. The trails can be hard to follow sometimes, but it is hard to get lost. There are many unmarked side trails. The area is small though, and there aren't trees so it is easy to tell where you are. Both trails are very rocky. The area is very popular with dog walkers. I was surprised, because I can imagine my dogs tearing up their feet on these trails. The summit trail is steep, but I wouldn't call it difficult. The Circumference Trail is pretty level. The mountain rises above the very flat Phoenix area. The views are nice despite seeing all of the houses. We loved seeing the cactii. We aren't in NY for sure!

Phoenix - that's a lot of houses!


What is that?

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