Date |
Distance |
Time |
Elevation Gain |
Average Moving Time |
Year to Date Miles |
11/13/2024 |
1.3 miles |
47 minutes |
49' |
1.6 |
722.5 miles |
Date |
Distance |
Time |
Elevation Gain |
Average Moving Time |
Year to Date Miles |
11/13/2024 |
1 mile |
1 hour 58 minutes |
28' |
1.3 |
722.2 miles |
Date |
Distance |
Time |
Elevation Gain |
Average Moving Time |
Year to Date Miles |
11/13/2024 |
5.1 miles |
1 hour 52 minutes |
164' |
2.8 |
726.3 miles |
Date |
Distance |
Time |
Elevation Gain |
Average Moving Time |
Year to Date Miles |
11/13/2024 |
2.3 miles |
50 minutes |
124' |
2.7 |
723.5 miles |
Parking: - Pecos National Historical Park Visitor Center (first hike, twice)
- South Pasture Loop Trail
- Glorieta Pass Battlefield Trail
Map:- Map provided at visitor center
Directions:- Visitor center will provide directions for 2 of the hikes
We spent the day at Pecos National Historical Park. This is a park that just takes a day. We arrived before the visitor center opened, so we did a short hike from the visitor center. When we got back, we joined a ranger led hike and re-did part of the hike we just walked. There are only 3 hikes in the park. We asked about the other two and were given driving directions on how to get to them. We ate lunch outside the visitor center and were joined by Dian's husband and his friend. We then drove to the second hike. It felt like we were driving onto someone's property, but it was a ranch turned into NPS land. I liked this hike. It was through pasture, so it had great views. We parted ways with Dian at this point - she and her husband are off to Colorado.
Then we drove to the third hike - this one is behind a locked gate, and you have to get the padlock code from the visitor center. This one was less interesting to me. It was a "military history" hike, and it had a lot of car noise.
Spanish mission church |
Checking out a kiva, the first time I've been in a covered one |
Part of the pueblo |
Inside the kiva |
Second hike location |
Parking for second hike |
Ranch turned into park service property |
We walked from here, but you can drive down this road and park further in |
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