Sunday, July 28, 2019

Harriman backpacking trip

Date Distance Time Elevation Gain Average Moving Time Year to Date Miles
7/13/2019 - 7/14/2019 18.6 miles 283.3

Map: NYNJTC Northern Harriman Bear Mountain Trails
Parking: Elk Pen
Directions: Day 1: AT North. Go through Lemon Squeezer. Left onto turquoise blazed Long Path. Right onto yellow blazed Menomine Trail. Hike to Silvermine Lake. Continue on Menomine Trail to Brien Memorial Shelter. Day 2: AT southbound back to Elk Pen

I signed up for a local backpacking trip with the AMC. I did so against my better judgement, knowing that the weather could be really hot. But, I thought it would be fun to meet some other backpackers. Both days ended up being in the upper 80's to 90 degrees. This trip was really hard for me. With the extra weight of carrying backpacking gear and the heat, I just didn't feel great. On the first day, I carried 2 liters of water. I didn't start out the day using electrolytes. Streams were dry. The first place we had to refill water was at Silvermine Lake, from the bathrooms. By the time I got there I had really bad leg cramps from dehydration. I've never had that before. After sitting for a few minutes, I could barely stand up since my calf muscle was so cramped. I guzzled 2 liters of water with Nuun tablets before we headed out again. We did happen to be offered chocolate covered strawberries (trail magic!) from a family having a party at Silvermine Lake. And we got to eat wild blueberries on the side of the trail. This was my first time tenting in such hot weather - my 20 degree sleeping bag was overkill, lol. I should have just brought a sleeping bag liner to sleep in. On the second day, I still had some leg cramping despite starting my electrolytes first thing. I was dragging even more the second day. I was just dripping sweat - my shirt had salt deposits on it by the end of the day. The trip was rated moderate, but the other backpackers were much faster than I was. I'm thinking if I go on a group hike with them again, I better sign up for a beginner friendly one, and not sign up for one in July or August.

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