Monday, October 8, 2018

Blue Trail, Ward Pound Ridge, Westchester County, NY

Date Distance Time Elevation Gain Average Moving Time Year to Date Miles
9/23/2018 4 miles 1 hours 54 minutes 588' 28:54

Map: Pick up when you pay for parking.
Parking: Enter park, pay for parking and keep driving straight until you reach the Kimberly Bridge parking area. There is plenty of parking. Cost is $10 without a Westchester County Parks Pass. $5 with a Parks Pass.
Directions: Blue trail loop.

Today was a really hard day. Moxie was in a poor state, and was getting more depressed. I tried to get her to eat - she ate an egg, but wasn't interested in anything else. We had brought her to our vet yesterday, and we tried a last ditch effort even though the vet said there wasn't anything that could be done. Today I brought her to the emergency vet hospital to euthanize her. She had a long happy life, but its still really, really painful. I've been trying to focus on all of the adventures we had together, all the joy she brought to our family. I'm grateful for all of the people who helped us with her training, her care, and just gave her affection.

May Moxie run free.

In the afternoon, we headed to Ward Pound Ridge. Hiking is how I heal. We reminisced about many Moxie - all the rules she made, the games she would play with Trek, and how she always smiled when she got to hike off leash.

Moxie in the morning

We have a hiking friend who collects balloons on her hikes. We have only found 2 this year. #2

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