Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Ward Pound Ridge, Yellow Loop

Date Distance Time Elevation Gain Average Moving Time Year to Date Miles
5/20/2018 2.7 miles

Map: Pick up a map when you pay for parking.

Parking: Enter park, pay for parking. Take the first road to the right to the parking area. There is plenty of parking. Cost is $10 without a Westchester County Parks Pass. $5 with a Parks Pass.

Directions: Yellow trail loop counterclockwise.

I have quite a bit of vacation time this year to use, due to not taking much last year, plus my company changing their vacation time carryover policy. However, I feel like I've been flunking out on vacation planning! I really wanted to hike the Wonderland Trail, so this year I applied for a permit. There is a lottery system, and I was not one of the lucky winners. It took a while to hear back, so we put other plans on hold while we waited to hear. Then we decided it would be fun to hike the West Highland Way in Scotland. We've hiked once before in Scotland and loved it, and this trip is set up very similarly to the Coast to Coast hike in England, where you can hike to a B&B or pub every night. It turns out, one of the lodging facilities is closed for renovations this year, making bookings complicated. We contacted a company to do our bookings, and they were unable to.

That brings us to this weekend. We had decided to do a weekend backpack in Pennsylvania to finish the Pennsylvania section of the AT. The weather forecast for the weekend wasn't good. But it changed every day throughout the week. I don't mind hiking in rain too much, but I hate hiking in thunderstorms. We had also booked dog boarding for Moxie. It was lightly raining on Saturday morning when we dropped her off. We drove down to Pennsylvania, and the closer we got to Port Clinton, the heavier the rain got. Our shuttle driver texted us - basically saying, our you sure you still want a shuttle? All the other section hikers cancelled, and their hostel was full of thru hikers who were taking zero days. Ugh. The forecast became thunderstorms all night long as well. After 2 1/2 hours of driving, we decided to cancel our trip, and turned around and drove back home. Sigh.

Sunday's forecast was for rain in the afternoon locally, so we headed out to Ward Pound Ridge to do a short hike before the rain. It was a warm humid day. Ward Pound Ridge was soooo pretty today. All the plants are a bright green. All of the rain we've been getting has been doing them good.

Bug net time of year


  1. Oh no, how awful to have so many plans fall through. And what is up with this weather? It's like you can have a plan, check daily until the day of, then that morning the forecast has changed and the bottom falls out. Weekend after weekend after weekend. Ugh.

  2. We now have an Oregon trip planned! I've never been to the Pacific Northwest, so excited about that trip.
